iBalance Physio, a team of most caring professionals, is dedicated to your recovery and improvement in your physical health in a brand-new facility with a relaxing environment. We provide treatments for all musculoskeletal injuries, neurological conditions and degenerative diseases. We combine physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, rehabilitative exercises to maximize the result of the interventions and help you achieve the best experiences in medical rehabilitation.  

Neck and Back Pain

Physiotherapy is most effective in treating neck and back pain. Research shows that 80% of patients treated by a physiotherapist will experience improvement. The causes of neck and back pain vary from repetitive overuse, sprains and strains, disc herniation, nerve entrapment, degeneration, or traumatic injuries. Physiotherapy can provide relief to the symptoms of all conditions above, and also help prevent the re-occurrence of the problems.

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Any pain that persists beyond the normal healing time after injuries could become "chronic". Usually, if the pain lasts more than 3-6 months, pain specialists would call it chronic. The cause of chronic pain varies from inflammatory to neurological. The result of the persistent pain not only can affect the patient's daily function but also cause emotional suffering, such as depression and anxiety.  At iBalance, we adapted a program that will treat your symptoms and also teach you how you can manage your condition in daily life through gentle exercise, relaxation, meditation and energy conservation.


This is a term used to describe inflammation of tendons which are the end portion of muscles that attach to a bone or joint. Common tendonitis includes "Tennis elbow", "Golfers Elbow", rotator cuff tendonitis,  Achilles tendonitis, etc. To help the healing of these conditions, the first step is to identify the cause of the condition and then reduce the inflammation and pain. A stretch and strengthening program that follows will eliminate the problem.

Sprains and Strains

These are the most common injuries that happen during sports and daily life. They tell you that a muscle or ligament sustained stress greater than its capability and a tear of variable degrees happened as a result. The objectives of recovery are to speed up the healing of the muscle and tendon by reducing inflammation and return the soft tissue to its normal strength.

Joint dislocations and Fractures

For fracture rehab, the emphasis is on the restoration of range of motion, strength and function while controlling pain. The rehab should start while you are still wearing the cast so that we can assess your swelling, pain, movement of the joints above and below, and provide you with proper advice on the maintenance program for the time when the fracture site is immobilized. Your functional outcome would be optimal especially for older patients. For joint dislocations, the emphasis would be to restore the stability of the joint so that the risk of habitual dislocation of the same joint can be prevented. 


This is the inflammation of a bursa which is a sac-like structure often connected to a joint and usually provides lubrication for a muscle or tendon movement. Bursitis can cause intense and continuous pain and swelling. To treat this, a physio will apply modalities to reduce inflammation, gentle massages to release the tight soft tissue that causes the condition in the first place. Once the intense pain subsides, some gradual exercises will be introduced to help maintain muscle flexibility and strength so that the patient will not suffer the problem again.


This is a degenerative condition involving inflammation of the joints that are often swollen, hot and painful. Patients will see a decrease in joint range of motion and strength. Most people with this condition suffer from either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.  

Physiotherapy can help the pain, inflammation and stiffness in your joints caused by arthritis. Physios provide education on exercise, treat your pain and advise ways to manage your condition. They can teach you how to improve your joint movement and walking, as well as how to strengthen your muscles. At iBalance Physiotherapy, we combine natural modalities, manual therapy, exercises, and time-proven healing treatment of acupuncture to achieve the best results in returning you back to your healthy lifestyle. 

Nerve Entrapment (A Pinched Nerve)

This term encompasses a long list of conditions. Most commonly, you will hear terms like "carpal tunnel syndrome", "sciatica", "cervical or lumbar radiculopathy".  Patients with a pinched nerve will experience pain, numbness and tingling, or loss of muscle power and sensation. To help, a physio will assess the patient to identify the cause, and then provide treatment of the discomfort and exercises to regain the function.

Neurological Conditions

Physiotherapy can provide treatment of many neurological conditions, such as strokes, MS, Parkinson's, ALS. These patients can suffer from decreased motor control, pain, stiffness, resulting in poor function and falls. Physiotherapy will help treat the pain and other symptoms. Most importantly, at iBalance Physiotherapy, we will design a set of rehabilitation exercises specific to the patient in improving their balance, transfers, and daily independence.

TMJ dysfunction (Jaw Pain)

A TMJ pain can be the result of joint dysfunction or a facial muscle imbalance, and often related to a neck problem.  A patient with TMJ problem has pain when they open their mouth wide, talk too long and chew firm food. They will often experience severe headaches as well. At iBalance, we will help you get rid of the pain and enjoy your food and laugh as hard as you want.

Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs

This is a result of cumulative/repetitive stress causing the plantar fascia to be inflamed. The most common site of inflammation is under the calcaneal tuberosity. If the inflammation is chronic, calcification of the soft tissue will develop a heel spur. This condition causes moderate to intense pain when you put weight on your feet, i.e. walking, standing. By analyzing your walking pattern and body biomechanics, we will treat your pain, provide exercises to correct to causes and might even suggest and order custom orthotics for you to prevent the return of the problem.

Bell's Palsy

The sudden onset of paralysis or weakness of one side of the face is called Bell's Palsy. The weakness or dysfunction of the facial muscles is the result of facial nerve damage. To treat this condition, a combination of physiotherapy and acupuncture would achieve the best result in restoring muscle functions and normal facial expression and thus your quality of life.


Many symptoms can arise as the result of a concussion, i.e., headache, dizziness, poor concentration, low energy level, disturbed sleep. Without a thorough rehab, the condition could last for a long time or even worsen. The safety of returning to sports activities is very much compromised. At iBalance Physiotherapy, our experienced rehab professionals will help you manage the symptoms and provide a safe plan for you to gradually return to what you love the most.

Patellofemoral Syndrome

This is knee pain caused by the imbalance of the quadriceps strength and soft tissue stiffness, thus irritating the knee cap. This happens mostly to young athletes. To treat this, your physio will help you reduce the inflammation and pain, stretch the tight soft tissue, provide an exercise program for you to strengthen weak muscles and loosen up the tight ones. Once the cause is eliminated, the condition will be resolved.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is the most common cause of knee pain in adolescents. It is an overuse injury due to inflammation of the bone, cartilage or tendon at the top of the shin. OSD can be quite painful and will affect your quality of life and sports performance. In order to help achieve a fast recovery, the patient needs treatment for the inflammation and pain, a brace for reducing stress to the injured site and proper stretches for prevention.

Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

These are defects of the spine, either fractures or slippage. The symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, numbness, tingling into limbs and power loss if the spinal cord or nerve root were affected. To control the symptoms, lumbar stabilization exercises in addition to pain reduction and healing treatment will result in the best outcomes.

Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The pelvic floor sits under the uterus, bladder, and large intestine (bowel) and includes muscles, ligaments, nerves and connective tissue. It plays an important role in the body by providing support for the bladder, genitals, uterus and anus, and help with urine and bowel control. The pelvic floor also contains the muscles that contract during orgasm.

If the pelvic floor muscles become weakened, urine leaks and reduced control over the bowels can occur. This is why pelvic floor muscle training is so important, in particular for women before and after childbirth.

Although the pelvic floor plays such an important role in our health, many women (and men!) feel uncomfortable admitting that they are suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, and so it often goes untreated. This silence on the subject can result in a lot of unnecessary suffering. But it doesn't have to be that way!

At iBalance Physiotherapy, our qualified physiotherapist can help you laugh again without worrying about peeing your pants at the same time. All treatment will take place in private rooms for maximum patient privacy, comfort and safety.